some of you are still coming here, but you should look here instead!
alcuni di voi continuano a venire qui, mentre dovreste andare a vedere qui!
Monday, 10 October 2011
Friday, 9 September 2011
new blog!
It was 2003 i think, when i returned from montpellier with a pair of red maroccan slippers, hyped by the world, and when i decided to join the bandwagon and open a blog, which i would use while i was travelling and starting to consider painting as something more than a side project. it then evolved into this blog, which functioned as an oddly assorted portfolio, just images of my work, which in turn became, more often than not, an abandoned creature. when this happens you either quit or start over.
and so it is without further ado that i redirect you to the new space. goodbye red babouches!
hope to see you there!
Era il 2003 quando, tornata da montpellier con un paio di babbucce marocchine rosse decisi di aprire un blog, che avrei usato durante i viaggi e per documentare il mio crescente interesse per la pittura. quel progetto morì e si trasformò in questo blog, che comincio' come portfolio un po' male assortito e poi diventò qualcosa di piu', finchè, anche lui, venne trattato male e abbandonato il più delle volte. in questi casi o ci si arrende o si ricomincia. è per questo che senza troppe chiacchiere vi invito al mio nuovo spazio. addio babbucce rosse!
spero di trovarvi li!
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
eli readers
quest'anno è uscita una collana per ELI READERS: letture graduate dei grandi classici. ecco il mio contributo, la Celestina, di Fernando de Rojas. Questo è anche il mio primo libro. Quest'estate lavorero' sul prossimo, sempre per edizioni ELI (grazie eli!).
This book came out this year with the new ELI READRES, a series of revisited classics for language learners. It's my first illustrated book. This summer i'll be working on the next one for ELI editions, which will be out next year. (thanks eli!)

This book came out this year with the new ELI READRES, a series of revisited classics for language learners. It's my first illustrated book. This summer i'll be working on the next one for ELI editions, which will be out next year. (thanks eli!)

Tuesday, 21 June 2011
rooms magazine

have been disconnected with the blogworld of late, but here is another interesting London based magazine which featured my work not long ago. thanks rooms!
Thursday, 2 June 2011
oh comely magazine

i recently received a copy of oh comely magazine, a fresh new thing from london, which featured a couple of my illustrations for an article of theirs. you can find out more about the magazine here.
Monday, 9 May 2011
immagini dal bertani dai!

questa è la locandina che ho fatto per l'ottava edizione del bertani dai, la festa di strada organizzata dall'associazione b5 in via agostino bertani ogni metà maggio.
this is a flier i made for the 8th edition of the great bertani dai street party, organized by associazione b5 every mid may.
1: preparativi

2: domenica

foto mie e di sacha, per foto ancora piu' poetiche vedere quelle di enrico natoli,
click HEREto see more amazing photos by enrico natoli.
3: à l'année prochaine!

Thursday, 17 March 2011
donne, dududu.
il mio piccolo contributo al libro "l'altra metà dell'unità" sulle donne del risorgimento. Un progetto realizzato da illustratrici italiane e patrocinato dalla provincia di Cosenza. Questa qui si chiamava Caterina Baracchini, assistì i feriti della repubblica.
per info sul progetto intero vedete qui.
my contribution to the book "the other half of the unification", on the women that contributed to Italy's unification 150 years ago today. The project is carried out by italian she-illustrators and sponsored by the City of Cosenza. This gal was Caterina Baracchini, she assisted the wounded of the republic. for info on the exhibition, see here.
Friday, 25 February 2011
polletto al limone
i made a recipe illustration for they draw and cook. it's up and printable, along with other people's culinary craftiness. try it, or come for dinner!
una ricetta che ho disegnato per they draw and cook. si puo' stampare dal sito insieme ad altre meraviglie culinarie. provatelo, oppure venite a cena!
Sunday, 6 February 2011
'i am' interview and new work
hello! my work has been featured for an online monthly exhibition curated by austrian designer Mareike Auer called I AM ARTIST/DESIGNER. You can read the brief interview and see my new illustrations here. Original illustrations and prints can be purchased through the website.
Ciao! per questo mese farò parte di una mostra mensile online a cura della designer austriaca Mareike Auer che si chiama I AM ARTIST/DESIGNER. Potete leggere la piccola intervista e dare un'occhiata alle nuove illustrazioni qui. Le tavole originali e stampe sono in vendita sul sito.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
new blog
A few weeks ago I started a little side project with gianluca. it's a little exchange around words and how we see them. here it is. image by g.
qualche settimana fa ho cominciato un nuovo progetto con gianluca. un piccolo scambio di parole e immagini. eccolo qui. immagine di g.
Friday, 21 January 2011
triangles and poetry
5 new paintings on wood, in the shop.
5 nuovi quadretti su legno nel negozietto
the triangle dilemma.
sometimes I feel torn between making cute things for etsy, making illustrations for books and making huge abstract paintings for no reason at all. it's like having three lives. i hope 2011 is treating you well, peeps.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
january's short days
i'll be moving out of this little apartment soon, away from the beeping cars downstairs and the eight storey tunnel that is this street. i will miss the immense light that comes through the gigantic window though, and the seagulls who sit on the roof opposite here sometimes.
it's gonna be a year of big change.
it's gonna be a year of big change.
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Friday, 10 December 2010
wood feels nice. wood is a little crunchy.
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