Wednesday 26 May 2010

society 6

i have another shop! it's through an online studio called society 6. it's a place where artists and illustrator share and promote each other's work. the illustrations are sold for you as high quality prints. now i just need to promote it and hope for some future collaborations. maybe you can help me?
anyway, here it is.

ho un altro negozio! questa volta รจ attraverso una specie di studio chiamato society 6, dove artisti e illustratori si promuovono a vicenda. le illustrazioni sono in vendita e vengono stampate professionalmente e spedite direttamente da society 6. ora devo promuoverlo e sperare che porti qualche collaborazione in futuro, mi date una mano?
eccolo qui.


Sarah said...

I seems really cool!

felicita said...
